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GFG’s sustainability agenda is fueled by our moral imperative and commitment to transform the fashion industry in our markets. We have created a People & Planet Positive Strategy and believe our delivery of its six strategic objectives can unlock our vision of being People & Planet Positive worldwide.
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Mitigate our climate impacts and adapt to a low carbon economy.
orders delivered by low emissions methods
of waste in our operations is diverted from landfill
of directly purchased and own brand packaging made from more sustainable materials
NMV from products made using majority sustainable materials or eco-production methods
ranking for Dafiti out of 50 brands in the Brazilian Fashion Revolution Transparency Index
The six strategic objectives were developed based on our identified material topics. GFG considers sustainability risk and opportunities to be material when it impacts the business and or its performance and secondly if it is also impacting our primary stakeholders.
We conducted a detailed materiality analysis through comprehensive industry and peer research, insights from 16,000+ customer surveys and interviews with 30+ internal and external stakeholders including board members, executives, investors, NGOs, suppliers and employees collectively supported identification of our material issues. GFG and our regional teams worked collaboratively to set the level of ambition and management plans to address all material topics identified.
We have identified 24 material issues and are represented in our materiality matrix.